Thursday, July 31, 2008
It feels right.
Yeah.. me, too.
I try to soften up my 'public persona' so as to not push people away by saying, "Well, Gee! It's just fun and ya feel good! And gee whiz, I save money!" All of that is true..I DO have fun and I DO feel good when I ride my bike- and I do save money. But really- it feels right. I feel greater appreciation and respect for a lot things when I ride my bike. (I'll let you fill in the blanks.) I do not have this kind of relationship with a car.
This respect is also why I get irritated sometimes when my bicycle/bike riding is treated as a toy or trick. No- thank you- this is my choice, not a side show. I am excited to share it with you, but please take it, and me, seriously.
Well, IN COPENHAGEN they..
How do you get to the beach in Copenhagen?
By bicycle! (DUH!)
Also, speaking of blogs I read. Over on EcoVelo, Alan is taking photo submissions of your cool commuter and will be giving away a pair of pedals as added incentive to submit. Check out the submission guidelines here. You'll also find pictures of my very own steed of steel.
Bikes and Buses are Beautiful: PARADE
YOU ARE INVITED to be a part of the "Bikes and Buses are Beautiful" group in the Walla Walla Fair Parade, Saturday, August 30, at 9:30am.
Our purpose: Raise the profile of bicycles and buses in the community.
How we'll do it: We're going to have fun on our bikes- all sorts of bikes. Ride your cruiser, your roadie, your fixie, your recumbent, your tricycle, your banana seater, your two-seater, your balloon tires, your skinny tires, bring your trailer, deck it out, rediscover ribbon and wear your finest skirt, your suit, your beach shorts or gorilla suit; and sound!- bring sound! bells and horns and other cheerful chimes. Are you a musician? I'll be turning my 6' trailer into a float and wish to tow a live musician! Bicycles are not limited to speed and spandex- bicycles are much more than that. They are creative individual expressions and practical means of transportation! Load up your panniers and trailers with delectables from the market- bikes - are - beautiful!
AND, for those interested- we will have a "precision" section at the front of our group, cycling in patterns. Please meet the night before on Friday, August 29 at 7pm at Borleske Statium parking lot (Rees & Park St.) to practice. What fun.
For those wishing to tackle a big project in decorating their bike- keep an eye on this blog in the weeks leading up to the parade. We'll get together and have some paper mache fun.
And not only are bikes beautiful, but so are BUSES! We will be escorted by 2 Valley Transit vehicles- a trolley and natural-gas powered bus. They will be filled with energetic passengers (could be you!) and we'll also show how to load and unload bikes on the front of the bus.
Logistics: Parade starts at 10am, please show up at the start (5th & Alder) at 9:30am to organize. We'll establish groups, go over details and do a demo of the bus bicycle rack. Participants must be 18 & older and helmets are encouraged.
Ready for the fun?: Email ww2020 (at) charter (dot) net and jensenrs (at) gmail (dot) com and let us know how you'd like to participate. Questions can also be left as comments on this post.
Bus participants should call or email Gail at 525-9140 or gail (at) valleytransit (dot) com.
For more information, call or email
Rebecca Jensen (RJ) at 509 205 1430, jensenrs (at) gmail (dot) com
Dan Clark at 509 522 0399, clarkdn (at) charter (dot) net
Andy Pryor at 509 525 7163, apryor (at) gohighspeed (dot) com
Sponsored by the Walla Walla 2020 Transportation Committee, Sustainable Walla Walla, and Valley Transit, together with area cycling groups.
Don't be afraid to think big.. ;)

Special thank you to Willis & Toews for sponsoring costs of this event!
Bike Thyme Goodness
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A Good Day Aboard a Bicycle
And it ain't an adventure unless you come home dirty and bloody, right?
Well, I didn't really MEAN to bloody up. But alas, it happens. Oops.
It's summer.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Conduct this experiment
1. Stand at a street corner with a pen and paper and tally in separate categories how many automobiles you see carrying 1, 2 and 3+ people. Also include one category each for buses, motorcycles and bicycles. Stop when one of your categories hits 50.
I stood, just now, at the street corner of Tietan St. and 2nd Ave with a pen and paper. These are my results:
Automobiles carrying 1 person: 50
Automobiles carrying 2 people: 10
Automobiles carrying 3 or more people: 3
Buses: 2
Motorcycles: 2
Bicycles: 1
A lot of those drivers looked absolutely capable of riding a bicycle.
Where are you going and what are you doing that requires a large, heavy, oil-fueled smoggy contraption to move you from A to B? 40% of American trips are within 2 miles of home! And if you're in Walla Walla, you're rarely moving more than 5 at a time.
Tell me, do you really need something as complicated as a motor vehicle to get you to the coffee shop?
2. Go to the Clif Bar 2 Mile Challenge map to find what's in your 2 mile radius. If you live in Walla Walla, type in 1st & Main St.-- voila! Just about all of Walla Walla is in a 2-mile radius.
3. Ride your bike to the coffee shop!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Bike Thyme - Tues, July 28
Bike Thyme
This week we'll be ending our ride @ the Whitman Organic Garden, so bring some garden gloves if you'd like!
Wish you had better bike lanes?: Start a conversation! Don't just mope.
Ballot issue in late nineties reduced funding. This city has about seventy percent of the funding available in my last city and about forty percent more roads. Until additional funding is available there will be few dollars available for improvements. I have some ideas on additional funding but these were declared not constitutional by the state supremes. There will be another run at this perhaps in the next legislature. Fixing traffic lights almost failing was the last emergency. Where do bike lanes fit-lower on the priority list. The bike folks could help by plugging into the long term solutions. Duane
My reply:
Thanks for your reply, Duane. I know that this is a concern of yours as well. Tell me how I can be the most effective help and I'll do my best. You mention long term solutions- how can we do this?
Thanks again,
Dear Duane,
City Manager of Walla Walla
I'm sure you're already aware, but I would like to officially bring to your attention my serious concern about the state of our bike lanes in Walla Walla. Without outlining the problems in full detail, these are just some of the issues:
-Large sections of the bike lanes are severely faded if not erased completely- how are drivers supposed to be aware of it?
-As a bicycle commuter, I regularly find potholes filled with gravel in my path- a serious hazard to a cyclist. Hit one of those, fall into traffic and you're dead. These holes remain unmarked and unchanged for weeks at a time.
-Glass appears to be swept on only a seldom basis.
-At some intersections, the bike lane continues right up to the crosswalk instead of to a bike box or merging back into traffic. This poor design puts bicyclists in great danger of the too-common "right-hook" incident, when a right turning vehicle hits a bicyclist in the bike lane.
I understand that the bike lanes were originally funded with grant money. I also know that money for improvement is scarce since, ironically for cyclists, road improvement is funded by gas taxes which have declined seriously since people started driving less. But what I am asking is not necessarily to increase funding for bicycle infrastructure (though, it would be timely to increase that budget), but to move bicycling infrastructure higher up the priority list. Bicycles are not guests to the roadway- they have a right to the roadway- and bike lanes should not be treated as a "nice amenity" bur rather a regular part of the roadway and treated with equal importance. Bicyclists already face greater risks when in a traffic collision, and more bicyclists are getting on the road then ever before (and there will only be more!)- so doesn't it make sense to provide a bicycling infrastructure that is as safe as possible, instead of less than adequate?
I would appreciate your thoughts on this issue.
Thanks for your time,
Rebecca Jensen
Friday, July 25, 2008
Dave Matthews - "Too Much"
Straight in, suck up and go,
Cool it, swallow, swallow
It comes cheap
Push it through the doors

Ooh traffic jam got more cars
Than a beach got sand
Suck it up, suck it up, suck it up,
The hunger keeps on growing
I eat too much
I drink too much
I want too much
Too much

I've got to get it somewhere
I mean, you never know, maybe you're dreaming
Who do you think you're watching
Who do you think you need
Ten times in the same day
Over my borders
I'm going to take more, more
From you, letter by letter
I eat too much
I drink too much
I want too much

I told, God, I'm coming
To your country
I'm going to eat up your cities,
Your homes, you know
I've got a stomach full its not
A chip on my shoulder
I've got this growl in my tummy
And I'm gonna stop it today
I eat too much

I want too much
Too much
Suck it up...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Another Proud Xtracycle Load

Sometimes I just wish I could ride my bike around and have it be normal. Sometimes I don't want to make a big deal out of carrying a load by bicycle. After all, I don't do it as part of a sideshow circus act- it's my normal way of life and I wanted it to be treated as such. We don't say, "WOW!! Lookit what you fit in your CAR!!" every time you load something in your car, do we? Well, I think I've proved my point by now that I can carry most things on my bicycle, so stop being so surprised!
On the other hand, sometimes I do feel like puffing my chest and announcing, "Hey, look at me!" This usually happens when I carry something "unusual" on my bike or when I'm having a moment of "gee, I sure hope I can fit this on my bike or I'll be embarrassed," only to discover that it loads beautifully. This is one of those moments.
I stopped at two different thrift stores a few days ago and made purchases at each. At Goodwill, I was delighted to find an "Xtracycle shaped" water jug AND "Xtracycle shaped" soft cooler! While I've had no problem carrying traditional-sized coolers around, these slim rectangular ones are a perfect fit. I also picked up an external frame backpack, a find I can never resist. I have affection for external frame backpacks. Oh, and there was also a precious wicker picnic basket that could not be left behind. :)
Okay, so I had loaded my purchases no problem and then I rode past the Humane Society Thrift Store and saw a darling cruiser asking to come home with me. This is the moment where I thought, "hmm.. am I going to be able to bring home all this AND a bike?" Well, the way it is with thrift stores, it might be gone when you come back- so I bought it then and there in the hopes I could bring it home no problem.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Another Xtracycle in town!

The newest Xtracycle in town. :)

Riding safely: side visibility & Rock the Bike's Down Low Glow
A short video on side visibility by Rock the Bike. See the comparison for yourself!
I spend a lot of time on my bike. Think of all the times that you or a friend gets into a car to go somewhere. Right, I don't get into a car- I get onto a bike. So I am particularly invested in being as safe as possible on my bike. Something that was brought to my attention was the issue of side visibility. A regular bicycle commuter knows to have a red light on the back and white light on the front of their bike.. but these lights are often, if not always, only visible from the front or back. What if a car driver can only see your side? Enter the problem of side visibility, enter the solution of Rock the Bike's "Down Low Glow" lighting system. It's a simple tube that can be popped on and off your bike, is weather-resistant and runs on a rechargeable battery. Oh, and it's dang bright.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Bike Thyme - Tues, July 22
This week's bike Thyme will take us south of town where we'll do a "lollipop" loop and stop to relax at Prospect Point elementary and enjoy our picnic snacks and dinners before ending at Daily Market.
Bike Thyme, meets Tuesdays @ 6pm @ 1st & Main St.
It's a casual, no-rush ride.
Things to bring:
- Your not-so-speedy bicycle
- Your helmet
- A snack or picnic dinner (I'll be toting an ice chest to keep it cool)
- Water bottle (I'll have extra water for refills)
- Sometimes it might be dusky when we return, so it's smart to bring at least a flashing red light for behind (a front white light is also very good). I recommend the Planet Bike Blinky Super Flash - available at your local bike shop for about $20, but well worth the money!
- Your friend
Introducing: BIKEWallaWalla
While this week's booth was put together at the last minute, it was an overall success and I came away with lots of ideas on how to make it better next week!
Thank you all who signed up to support BIKEWallaWalla. We're going to make this a bicycling friendly town!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Bakfiets in the US!
Okay, okay- so this whole bakfiet (cargo bike) thing is cool- but can we get them locally in the US?
YES. At Clever Cycles in Portland, OR.
Or, Hayley Tricycles in PA. (These ones are beautiful.)
The Dutch Bike Co. in Seattle also imports them.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
My Bike Lanes!
Hmm.. I wonder how they do it in Copenhagen..

Photos from
Hmm.. why am I not so excited about my bike lanes anymore?
Listen for me tomorrow morning!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Bike Thyme Success!
- Bicycle riding at a friendly pace.
- Cruiser, commuters & vintage bicycles encouraged.
- Bring snacks &/or dinner (I'll carry it in my cooler!)
- Depending on the week, there may be destinations like Bennington Lake, Welcome Table Farm and more!
- Other good things to bring: helmet, water bottle, bike lights in case it gets dusky.
Tonight's Bike Thyme Ride
For tonight's Bike Thyme ride, we'll be riding out to Bennington Lake to appreciate the water and have a snack* or picnic dinner*. On the way back we'll stop at Pioneer Park for more water and relaxation if the group is wanting. We'll end at the Daily Market Cooperative office for organic lemonade with Klickers strawberries to kick off our first Bike Thyme! Also, there's Open Gardening at the Whitman Organic Garden. I'll be heading over there afterwards if there's time and ya'll can join me!
*Please bring your own snack and/or picnic dinner. I have room to carry it on my bike if you don't want to carry it the whole way.

Bike Thyme meets: Tuesdays, 6pm -@ 1st & Main
It's spandex-free, picnic-pace riding.Ride your commuter, your cruiser, your classic, your roadie.. ride whatever ya got!
Just please wear a helmet because we don't live in the Netherlands.
This is a Daily Market Cooperative interest group that is open to the public.
Monday, July 14, 2008
How to turn your bicycle into a COMMUTING bicycle
- Pump. I like my Wrench Force frame pump because it has a large shaft which makes pumping up your tire go faster (forget those tiny ones!). It also works on presta or shrader valves and fits nicely into my frame (which is amazing because my frame is SMALL!).
- 2 CO2 cartridges & an applicator. This is a fast, yet wasteful and risky way to pump a tire. I keep it as a backup or if I need to get back on my bike fast (rainstorm!).
- Tire levers. You only need 2 (or sometimes 1) to get a tire off, but it is best to carry 3 in case one breaks.
- A "old fashioned" glue patch kit and the "new school" stick-on patch kit. Either work. What can I say? I like back-ups.
- An extra tube in case your tire is not patchable or you're in a hurry (rainstorm!).
Dave Matthews Band - You Might Die Tryin'
To change the world, start with one step
However small, the first step is hardest of all
Once you get your gait, you'll be walkin' tall
You said you never did, cuz you might die tryin'
Cuz you might die tryin', cuz you...
If you close your eyes cuz the house is on fire
And think you couldn't move until fire dies
The things you never did, oh, cuz you might die tryin'
Cuz you might die tryin', you'd be as good as dead
Cuz you might die tryin', cuz you might die tryin'
(sax solo) I still remember I woke up and all ran away
If you give, you begin to live
If you give, you begin to live
You begin, you get the world
If you give, you begin to live
You get the world, you get the world
Oh you might die tryin', you might die tryin'
The things you never did, oh cuz you might die tryin'
You'd be as good as dead
The things you never did
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Bike Thyme

Bike Thyme

- Spandex-Free riding at 'picnic pace' (that means slow!)
- Will often include stops at local farms & eateries.
- Ride length 45min-2hrs (with breaks!).
- This is a Daily Market Cooperative interest group, but it is open to the public and you all are encouraged to join!
- It doesn't matter what bike you ride: commuter, cruiser, vintage Schwinn.. just be sure that it's in good working order and also to wear a helmet.
- You're also invited to bring snacks or your own picnic dinner! If you don't have room on your bike or want to keep it cool, I will be toting a cooler along to keep your dinner fresh!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Interesting. Bike helmets & actual bike safety.

Friday, July 11, 2008
Appointed to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee!
Portland's Bike Boxes- why not here? Or everywhere??
"..and it was stunningly clear that had it been in place on October 11, Tracy Sparling would still be alive, and it only cost the city a few thousand dollars."
Monday, July 7, 2008
Community Sustainability Forum
Tonight I attended a community sustainability forum and I posed the question to Duane Cole, our city manager:
One way to be sustainable-- is to ride a bicycle. In Copenhagen, they have this figured out-- because of their government. In Copenhagen, the busiest bike lane sees 35,000 people in a day. 30% of trips are made by bicycle (which trumps Portland's 6%). These trips are made in suits & dresses. A website, Copenhagen Cycle Chic, is dedicated to artistic photos of women in heels, tall boots and dresses-- riding a bicycle. This is normal. They're not poor or technologically behind-- just smart.
But it hasn't always been this way. It's not, "oh, the Europeans, they've always been like that!" In the 1960s there was an 80-90% DECLINE in bicycle use due to pro-car policies and popularity. Then the government decided to triple their bike lanes and create progressive bicycle infrastructure (such as bicycle boulevards or advance lights for bicycles).
Now Portland, OR is Copenhagenizing by taking the initiative to make a practical, healthy, socially equitable and sustainable means of transportation safe and practical. Will Walla Walla take the lead like Portland and Copenhagen?
The reply I received was, "Yes." Too bad I didn't ask HOW instead of IF. That seems to me a cheap way to get out of actually answering a question. The halfway faded bike lanes in Walla Walla sure don't measure up to his answer.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Go, Mom & Dad! (Thanks, Debi & Jim!)
Friday, July 4, 2008
Community Sustainability Form
..the locals, [go] from A to B, to C, D, Z and back, ziggedyzag. Day by day, for every errand, for every task, for any venture, we take our bikes and we rule. Mind you, it’s in our blood, we don’t consider it a culture or something quaint. It’s there, we use it, period. We don’t know any better.
Are you concerned about the rising price of gas? Or about the rising price of food, and other basic needs? Are you hearing more about climate change and the need to transition to a low-carbon economy and community? Are you thinking about how we can sustain ourselves in an era when fossil fuels are unstable and will keep getting more expensive?The Road Ahead-- A Community Sustainability Form, will be held on {!correction!}THURSDAY, July 10 from 6:30-9:30pm in the ballroom at Reid Campus Center on the Whitman College campus at Park & Boyer.Panelists will include:WWCC President Steve VanAusdle will moderate the forum.
- Sustainability Coordinator for the City of Spokane, Susanne Croft
- Whitman scientist, Bob Carson
- Chamber of Commerce President, Tim Larkin
- Port Commissioner, Mike Frederickson
- City Manager, Duane Cole
- Homeless Coalition Member, Noah Leavitt
- Long time resident and householder, Jennie Romine
For more information, email sustainableww (at) charter (dot) net, call 509-522-0399, or go online at
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I'm in today's ClimateWire!
It also looks like you have to be a subscriber to read the whole story, but I'll just include the tidbits that I'm in so as to entice you to sign up for a worthwhile subscription.
Bicycle enthusiast Rebecca Jensen, 23, is planning to spend the day on a bike trip with her parents, "winery hopping" around Walla Walla, Wash., in the southeast corner of the state.
Jensen doesn't own a car and travels almost everywhere on her bicycle. She commutes to her job at a coffee shop on her bicycle and started a program at a community center teaching others how to fix their own bikes. She said since gas prices have increased, she has seen more bikes and "definitely more two-wheeled vehicles in general" out on the road with her.
"When I'm with people and they complain about gas, I do smile to myself, because I don't have to directly pay for it," Jensen said.
In a country famous for its love of cars, lifestyles like Jensen's are still far from the norm. Yet with gas soaring above $4 per gallon, industry leaders say a growing number of summer travelers are eyeing bike trips with new appreciation.
To sign up for a trial of ClimateWire, click here!