What this blog is about

Bicycle commuting, bicycle touring, bicycle racing; bicycle ADVENTURING.
To the grocery store, up a mountain, across the country or to the finish line--
it's all an adventure.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Gorgeous Gray Day

I realized that a lot of the landscape photos that I take from my bike don't necessarily include my bike-- but it's the very fact that I took them while on my bike that makes them special to me. To let the viewer in on my intent, I am trying to incorporate my bicycle into my landscape shots more often-- or at least present them as a set.

I'm getting into the habit of doubling up on rides to get the length I need or want. So I went for an easy spin before taking my junior cycling team out for practice. This is Walla Walla, on what I call a 'gorgeous gray day.' Gray clouds have a lot of attitudes-- ranging from menacing to depressing. Today the clouds were like a warm blanket, nursing the adolescent green shoots.

Here's the route:
View Interactive Map on MapMyFitness.com
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