To see what other trails are close to the Seattle/Western Washington area, go to EVERGREENMTB.ORG and check out the "Trail Info" section. There you can find user-created reviews and descriptions of local trails.

To see what other trails are close to the Seattle/Western Washington area, go to EVERGREENMTB.ORG and check out the "Trail Info" section. There you can find user-created reviews and descriptions of local trails.
Loading my bike onto the bus from Rebecca Jensen on Vimeo.
I have to admit, there was a time when loading my bike on the bus was intimidating. What if I take too long? How do I get it on there? Will it really stay on?
A: You won't, it's easy and YES.
All ya' do is:
1). pull the rack down (probably gotta squeeze the lever)
2). plop your bike in the wheel wells
3). tug on the spring-loaded thinger
4). and snug that down on top of your wheel, close to your brakes/frame (see picture in video)
I don't even have to take my panniers off! (So long as they're not loaded down too heavy). I do take my Light & Motion lights off, though. While they are very weather-proof, they're not cheap.
"..she is a very good soccer player. She works hard, listens to instruction, never quits and always gives her best. She's always trying to get better. She's aggressive, but plays within herself... I would like to have her tryout for soccer again... hopefully she has learned something about soccer and life."
--Note from my soccer coach to my parents, 1997
Someone accused me of writing an article that DISCOURAGED new cyclists, because it suggested that people don't have the skills they need to ride a bike. He said my article focused on the negative, not the positive, and suggested lower-maintenance commuter bikes (internal gears, chain guards, etc) as the solution.Then someone disagreed with him and said that the article was more about the "do it yourself" mentality, which is empowering. He also likes bikes that he can fix at home.AND THEN, the other guy whipped out some statistics with links and everything! Because clearly, HIS bike is the way to go.And then my eyes glazed over a little..And then a mechanic chimed in as to what a commuter bike should be..etc.
... fire building, navigation, knife techniques, traps, snares, food gathering, how to pack light and stay warm, etc. Safe use and importance of the ax during wintertime will be covered in depth. The emphasis of this workshop will be on how the core skills change and adapt with this beautiful yet unforgiving season. Full meal provided on Saturday night. Fresh stream water runs through site. We will have a large outfitter tent with woodstove for getting warm, drying clothes, and sleeping in for those interested. Please bring whatever food and camping items you'd like for your comfort during your stay.
Folding my Dahon Speed D7 at the bus stop from Rebecca Jensen on Vimeo.
BONUS! Here's a short video of our work party! (And yes, they are called "work PARTIES!")
WTA at Grand Ridge from Rebecca Jensen on Vimeo.
Bike Wash 2.0 from Rebecca Jensen on Vimeo.
I recently made a video on how to thoroughly wash a bicycle. This is version 2.0 as applied to my, yes, NEW (Happy Birthday to ME!) mountain bike.