What this blog is about

Bicycle commuting, bicycle touring, bicycle racing; bicycle ADVENTURING.
To the grocery store, up a mountain, across the country or to the finish line--
it's all an adventure.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bluegrass & Pole Vaulting in Kentucky!

When we stopped to stay at the First Baptist Church in Sebree, KY..

it was clear that Bob & Violet had already seen a share of cyclists that summer:

These pins are from ONE summer only.

There is also another map of Europe and the world.

Guest registers are a great way to find friends you've met who are only just up the road. We've been trailing a day behind Paul for weeks now!

The walls bear evidence of frequent bicycle parking.

We were also so fortunate in our timing, that Bob and Violet took us up to the annual BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL! Bluegrass was BORN in Kentucky, so we were in for a good show.

"The Greencards," the 'funkiest' band, became our hands-down favorite. An Austrailian, two Brits and an American made a new Bluegrass sound that caused standing ovations. Carol, their lead, had wonderful stage presence and energy (and voice!) and a lovely green swishy skirt. After their show, we beelined to their table to buy a cd (two). We shared that we were crossing the country by bicycle and were tickled when Carol said we just made her day. She made ours!

I was also excited to find that there were elite pole vaulters competing! I had a real dilemma when trying to choose between listening to the music and watching the elite athletes. Live music. Elite athletes. Live music. Elite athletes. I love both so much!

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