I have discovered that I quite like KEENs.
These are the shoes I wear in the summertime. My feet feel well protected while staying ventilated.
I am often befuddled that clothing and footwear suffer a gap between casual and practical. KEENs have been one of few products I've found to marry the two.
These are my 'casual' and, yes, waterproof shoes I wear day to day. I don't ever have to worry about getting my feet wet.
These are the shoes I wear in the summertime. My feet feel well protected while staying ventilated.
These are the shoes that I will bring bike touring with me. They have sneaker comfort, boot tread and waterproofing, and a more neutral/subtle look than many 'sport' shoes. They'll take me around camp, down town, and up trail.
*UPDATE: Definitely did NOT bring these shoes touring! They are HEAAA-VY! And just unnecessary. I'd recommend a pair of lightweight foam CROCS.