Whenever I stay with my parents in Marysville, I ride out to Granite Falls, my childhood home. I spend a moment at the creek on our old street, since one of my favorite things to do with my neighbors when I was young was to "go ride down to the creek" on our bikes and poke around in the mud, the skunk cabbage and huckleberries. There was always something to do at the creek. We had a phase where catching mudsuckers was the most fun thing ever. We were on a mission to catch 'bait' for our dads and would proudly watch our collection grow in the 5 gallon bucket at home. We'd wade under the bridge and laugh and holler when cars rumbled overhead. And often it was the perfect escape on a hot day. Now I return a college graduate on a speedy road bike out for a ride, but I found my creek to be just as inviting as it ever was. I like to imagine my creek like an old friend, always glad to visit.