What this blog is about

Bicycle commuting, bicycle touring, bicycle racing; bicycle ADVENTURING.
To the grocery store, up a mountain, across the country or to the finish line--
it's all an adventure.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ode to Landscape

For Walla Walla

I ride to
spend time with landscape.
Get to know it,
have conversations with it,
and songs 
and dancing with it.

Tears crawl out
laughter rings out
blood comes out.

but never more glad

than to be with
my landscape.

My lovely landscape.
I unconditionally love you.

The shape of your hills
and the breeze in your wheat

You've slapped me around.
Spilled me to the ground,

more than once.

I've been pissed on,
hailed on,
burned on,
by your moods.

And yet I delight in it

can't get enough of it

want to see more of it.

What is up this road up here?
Where does this lead?
Will you share it with me?

Can we spend all day together?
Maybe even spend the night together?

Can I come see you again tomorrow?
And then all weekend too?

Shall we sprint today?
Take it easy today?

What do you want to do today, Landscape?
I don't really mind
as long as I can spend it with you--


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